How to ease clogged milk ducts

How to ease clogged milk ducts

How to ease clogged milk ducts

Breastfeeding and pumping can be painful at first, but in most cases the discomfort goes away when your body starts to regulate milk production and your baby develops a good latch on. Unfortunately, the pain may reappear long after you have adjusted to breastfeeding.

Often this takes the form of blockage of the ducts in response to insufficient drainage. They can form due to changes in diet or because your child sleeps longer at night. Duct blockage is also common during weaning.

Forming lumps in the breast, blockages cause localized pain and can make breastfeeding and pumping difficult. They can also lead to more serious health complications, including mastitis.

Determine whether it’s a clogged milk duct or mastitis

Before treating a blocked milk duct, it's important to make sure you don't have mastitis, which may require a more aggressive approach to treatment.

As a rule, mastitis goes beyond a simple plug and includes many symptoms. Many of them are like the flu. Fever and general fatigue are especially common.

If your symptoms are limited to chest discomfort, swelling, or breast tenderness, a blocked duct is most likely to blame. This less serious condition can often be treated at home. However, if not treated early, your blocked milk duct can progress to mastitis.

Home remedies for clogged ducts

Once you've ruled out mastitis, take steps to prevent the blockage from developing further. Various simple home solutions can help relieve clogged ducts. If you make an active effort to eliminate the obstruction, you will see results in 24 hours.

These remedies for blockage of the milk ducts are among the most effective:

Nurse more often on the clogged side

Feeding from the side with a blocked milk duct can be uncomfortable, but it is one of the most effective ways to empty the breast and ensure a normal flow of milk. If possible, breastfeed on demand or at least every few hours. Start on the clogged side, but don't neglect the other side as this will increase the chance of more clogs.

If breastfeeding is not possible, express more frequently. Mothers who only express milk may need to empty their breasts even more often than those who breastfeed or use a combination of the two, as breastfeeding is generally more effective. Some pumping moms see success in a solution commonly known as "pumping while pumping," in which they lean forward while pumping so that gravity can help push out the blockage.

Whether you are breastfeeding or pumping, you may find it helpful to apply a warm compress to the affected area before descent. This will increase the flow of milk and make the first few minutes of breastfeeding or pumping less painful.

Massage of the affected breast

Massage is a method for mothers who often suffer from clogged ducts because it provides both short-term relief and, in some cases, a long-term solution. Breast massage can minimize pain, even if new moms don't have problems with clogged breasts.

Massage may be uncomfortable at first. Slowly start at the outer edge of your chest before moving towards the cork. Kneading movements are often the most effective method.

If you can handle a little extra discomfort, apply firm pressure, actively looking for "I'm in so much pain" sensations. This may seem nasty at the time, but can break locks quickly.

Another useful technique is to place your thumb or fingers directly behind the hoof and press down on the nipple. Taking a warm bath or shower during a massage may help.

While manual massage can be effective, many mothers have more success with massagers specifically designed for breastfeeding, which can be used not only before and after breastfeeding, but also during pumping, to promote faster descent and more complete emptying of the breast.

Take Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen can be safely taken while breastfeeding and can help reduce both inflammation and discomfort. Acetaminophen is also generally safe for breastfeeding and can be taken if there is a blocked duct.

When to see a doctor

As mentioned above, blocked ducts can increase your risk of developing mastitis, which is a much more serious condition. If the blockage doesn't go away after 48 hours and you start noticing flu-like symptoms, consider seeing your doctor.

If mastitis is diagnosed, you may be prescribed antibiotics. If not, your doctor can help you by not only offering immediate solutions for your current blockage, but identifying any underlying issues that may be contributing to permanent blockage.

Your doctor may refer you to a lactation consultant who can provide more information about problems that cause blockages. In some cases, ultrasound therapy can be effective in clearing blockages. 

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