High blood pressure in children

High blood pressure in children

High blood pressure in children

Most people think of high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, as a disease that affects the elderly. But high blood pressure actually affects people of all ages, including young children.

Why is high blood pressure in children an increasing problem? What can you do to protect your child from this threat? The first step is to learn as much as you can about high blood pressure in children, its causes, effects, and treatment.

What is high blood pressure in children?

Blood pressure is the force with which blood flows through the vessels of the body. Under normal conditions, the heart pumps blood through vessels throughout the body. Vessels expand and contract as needed to maintain good blood flow. However, in a person with high blood pressure, the blood presses too hard on the blood vessels, which can lead to damage to the vessels, heart, and other organs.

It's easy for adults to tell if they have high blood pressure by simply checking their blood pressure and comparing the numbers to a simple chart. Children have the same tests; however, the numbers are more difficult to interpret. Your child's doctor will use charts based on your child's gender, height, and blood pressure to determine if your child has high blood pressure.

How high blood pressure affects children

As with adults, high blood pressure in children can lead to serious long-term health consequences, including:

  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Stroke

Obesity and high blood pressure in children

Risk factors for high blood pressure in children include obesity and a family history of high blood pressure. Other risk factors may include medical problems such as hormonal imbalances, narrowing of the aorta, sleep apnea, or other sleep disorders.

Obesity is considered a major risk factor for arterial hypertension in children. Obesity puts your child at risk not only for high blood pressure, but also for a number of other health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Treating high blood pressure in children

Researchers are still trying to determine the most effective way to treat high blood pressure in children. In general, the treatment of high blood pressure in children is not much different from its treatment in adults. Work closely with your child's doctor to find a treatment plan that works best for your child. Here are some general recommendations:

Follow dietary approaches to stop hypertension The diet includes eating less fat and saturated fat, and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Limiting salt intake can also help lower a child's blood pressure. A dietitian can help you and your child find ways to achieve these goals without giving up your favorite foods or tastes.

Watch your child's weight. Being overweight increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. Regular exercise will help your child lose weight. Ask your child's doctor to help you set weight loss goals. Your child's doctor may also refer you to other doctors to help you develop a weight loss plan.

Avoid tobacco smoke. Tobacco smoke can raise blood pressure; it can also directly damage your child's heart and blood vessels. Protect your child from tobacco smoke, even secondhand smoke.

Take pills. If your child's high blood pressure is severe or does not respond to lifestyle changes, the doctor may prescribe medication. It may take some time to find the combination of drugs that works best for controlling high blood pressure with the fewest side effects. Medicines used to treat high blood pressure include:

  • Diuretics to reduce the amount of fluid in the blood, helping the body get rid of excess sodium.
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, alpha blockers, and calcium channel blockers help prevent blood vessel narrowing.
  • Beta-blockers prevent the body from producing the hormone adrenaline. Adrenaline is a stress hormone. This makes the heart beat harder and faster. It also constricts blood vessels. All this increases blood pressure.
  • Treat the underlying cause of high blood pressure if it can be identified. including hormonal disorders, coarctation of the aorta, sleep apnea or other sleep disorders.

How to help a child with high blood pressure

Help your child control their high blood pressure by carefully following the doctor's plan. In addition, you can follow these steps.

  • Introducing changes in diet and the implementation of the family business. Everyone in the family will benefit from these healthy changes.
  • Make sure your child's blood pressure is measured as often as recommended by the doctor.

By working with your doctor to develop a comprehensive health plan, you can help your child control high blood pressure and enjoy good health for years to come. 

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