Get the facts about bottle feeding

Get the facts about bottle feeding

Get the facts about bottle feeding

Glass or plastic bottles?

Your child may give you hints about what he prefers. A few things to consider: Plastic bottles are lighter than glass and unbreakable. But they may not last as long as glass.

What you should know about nipples

Most of them are made of silicone or latex and come in different shapes. Sometimes they have different "flows" depending on the size of the nipple opening. You can try several types to see what your child likes and can easily drink. Check teats frequently for signs of wear or cracks. Replace any worn or discolored.

Wash bottles and nipples

You can wash them with detergent and hot water, by hand or in the dishwasher. Do this every time you use them. You may prefer to wash plastic bottles by hand, as some studies show that chemicals are released from plastic when exposed to high temperatures. Most experts believe that boiling bottles is not necessary.

Stick to breast milk or formula

Give your newborn breast milk or formula only from a bottle, no water or juice. Mix the formula exactly as directed on the label. Adding too much water dilutes the formula, saving on nutrients. And this can lead to low salt content in the child, which can lead to seizures. Too little water can adversely affect your baby's stomach and kidneys.

How to choose a formula

Most parents start with cow's milk. You can also buy soy and hypoallergenic varieties. Be sure to use one that is fortified with iron. You can buy formula in powder, concentrated or ready-to-drink formula. At 6 months, your baby should be drinking 180-240 ml per feeding.

Warm or room temperature?

You can give your baby a cool bottle or a room temperature bottle. If he prefers hot formula, place the filled bottle in warm water or run hot tap water over it for 1-2 minutes. Or you can use a bottle warmer. Do not use a microwave oven. This can cause hot spots that can burn your child's mouth. Shake the mixture and apply a drop to your palm to check the temperature. Don't test it on your wrist, it's less sensitive to heat.

How to hold a baby

Put on a bib and have a rag ready to wipe up spit up breast milk or formula. Now swing it so that its head is slightly higher than the rest of the body. Hold the bottle and watch him eat. Watching your child will help you know when he has finished. Try to get him to burp in the middle of feeding to limit regurgitation.

Keep a grip on the bottle

When you're tired, it may be tempting to put the bottle on your pillow and let your baby feed himself. But there are many benefits if you keep the bottle while she is eating. It's great for communication, and it's safer. Leaving your baby with a supported bottle increases the risk of choking and cavities. It can also cause ear infections. So enjoy your time with a bottle!

How do you know when baby's done?

Your baby will let you know when he has finished feeding. She may stop breastfeeding, turn away from the bottle, or, if she is old enough, push the bottle away. Give him a chance to change his mind, but don't make him finish what's in the bottle. If your baby tends to spit up after feeding, you may need to give him less.

How to burp her

If your baby needs to burp during or after a feed, hold him or her on your lap or shoulder. Gently stroke or rub his back. You can also sit him on your lap, supporting his head while you stroke his back. She may spit up milk, so have a washcloth handy. If he doesn't burp after a few minutes but looks pleased, don't worry. Not all babies spit up after every feed.

Cut down on spit-up

If your baby is spitting up a lot, spit up every few minutes during feedings. Do not put her down or play with her for 45 minutes after she has eaten. Hold her upright or support her in a car seat after meals. The cough often improves when the child begins to sit. If you're concerned about how much she's spitting up, talk to her pediatrician.

Should I change the formula?

If your baby is spitting up or acting up a lot, you can blame formula. Sometimes babies can have allergies, which can cause things like diarrhea, vomiting, or dry, red skin. If you see this, talk to your baby's doctor. It will tell you if you need to change the formulas, and if so, how best to do it. Do not make any changes until you have spoken to your doctor.

How long can milk be stored?

Prepare the formula as needed. Don't mix large batches. Always discard any formula left in the vial. Refrigerate opened liquid mixture packs immediately and use within 48 hours. If you have powdered infant formula, you can store it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. If the mixture stays longer than 2 hours, discard it. Refrigerate breast milk for use within 7 days. Or freeze.

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