Female condom

Female condom

Female condom

The female condom is a polyurethane or latex bag that is inserted into the vagina. It is a barrier method of contraception.

How it works?

The female condom has a flexible ring at the closed end of the bag and a slightly larger ring at the open end. The smaller ring at the closed end holds the female condom in place, while the larger ring sits on the outside of the vagina. The female condom prevents the vagina and cervix from coming into contact with the skin of the penis or with penile secretions.

How effective is the female condom?

Typical use of female condoms, which is how most people use them, has a 21% failure rate. This means that 21 out of 100 people will get pregnant within the first year of use. You can increase the effectiveness by adding a spermicidal foam, jelly or cream along with the condom. You must take a pregnancy test if you have symptoms of pregnancy.

What are the side effects or health risks?

Female condoms have no side effects, except for those who are allergic to latex.

Is the female condom reversible?

Yes. The female condom does not affect male or female reproductive function. It is possible to get pregnant right away if condoms are no longer used.

What about female condoms and sexually transmitted diseases?

The condom is the only contraceptive method that can significantly reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms are not "safe sex" but rather "safe sex". Condoms help prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases by reducing the chance of contact with a partner through genital contact or fluid.

The female condom is not as well studied as the male condom, but has similar properties.

Information about male condoms:

  • Syphilis transmission is reduced by 29% for typical use. It is reduced 50 to 71% when condoms are used correctly 100% of the time.
  • Gonorrhea and Chlamydia transmission are reduced by approximately 50% even when condoms are used 100% of the time.
  • Genital herpes transmission is reduced by approximately 40%
  • HIV transmission is reduced by approximately 85% when condoms are used correctly 100% of the time.
  • Condoms also reduce the transmission of human papillomavirus.

What are the pros and cons of female condoms?

The pros include:

  • Along with male condoms, it is the only form of birth control that has a significant reduction in the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases
  • It keeps the control of contraceptive use in your hands
  • You do not need a prescription
  • Compared to the male condom it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction, and it is less likely to break
  • Condoms are small, easy to carry, and disposable

The cons include:

  • More expensive than male condoms (approximately 5 times)
  • The outer ring may be considered cumbersome
  • Typical use has a higher failure rate of approximately 21%
  • It may be a distraction during intercourse because of crackling or popping noises 

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