Dystonia in children

Dystonia in children

Dystonia in children

Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person's muscles twitch uncontrollably. The contraction causes the affected body part to twist involuntarily, resulting in repetitive movements or abnormal postures. Dystonia can affect one muscle, a group of muscles, or the entire body. Dystonia affects about 1% of the population and women are more prone to it than men.

What are the symptoms of dystonia?

Symptoms of dystonia can range from very mild to severe. Dystonia can affect different parts of the body, and often the symptoms of dystonia progress in stages. Some early symptoms include:

  • A "dragging leg"
  • Cramping of the foot
  • Involuntary pulling of the neck
  • Uncontrollable blinking
  • Speech difficulties

Stress or fatigue can cause symptoms or make them worse. People with dystonia often complain of pain and exhaustion from constant muscle contractions.

If symptoms of dystonia begin in childhood, they usually first appear in the foot or hand. But then they quickly spread to the rest of the body. However, after adolescence, the rate of progression tends to slow down.

When dystonia appears in early adulthood, it usually starts in the upper body. Then there is a slow progression of symptoms. Dystonias that begin in early adulthood remain focal or segmental: they affect either one part of the body or two or more adjacent parts of the body.

What causes dystonia?

Most cases of dystonia do not have a specific cause. Dystonia appears to be related to a problem in the basal ganglia. This is the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for triggering muscle contractions. The problem is how nerve cells communicate.

Acquired dystonia occurs when the basal ganglia are damaged. Damage can result from:

  • Brain trauma
  • Stroke
  • Tumor
  • Oxygen deprivation
  • Infection
  • Drug reactions
  • Poisoning caused by lead or carbon monoxide

Idiopathic or primary dystonia is often inherited from parents. Some carriers of the disease may never develop dystonia. And symptoms can vary greatly among members of the same family.

Are there different types of dystonia?

Dystonias are classified depending on which part of the body they affect:

  • Generalized dystonia affects most of or all of the body.
  • Focal dystonia affects just a specific body part.
  • Multifocal dystonia affects more than one unrelated body part.
  • Segmental dystonia involves adjacent body parts.
  • Hemidystonia affects the arm and leg on the same side of the body.

Dystonias can also be classified as syndromes based on their patterns:

  • Blepharospasm is a type of dystonia that affects the eyes. It usually starts with uncontrollable blinking. At first, only one eye is usually affected. However, both eyes are eventually affected. Spasms cause the eyelids to close involuntarily. Sometimes they even make them stay closed. The person may have normal vision. But this constant closing of the eyelids renders the person functionally blind.
  • Cervical dystonia, or torticollis, is the most common type. Cervical dystonia usually occurs in middle-aged people. However, it has been reported in people of all ages. Cervical dystonia affects the muscles of the neck, causing the head to turn or lean forward or backward.
  • Cranial dystonia affects the muscles of the head, face and neck.
  • Oromandibular dystonia causes spasms of the muscles of the jaw, lips and tongue. This dystonia can cause problems with speech and swallowing.
  • Spastic dystonia affects the muscles of the throat responsible for speech.
  • Tardive dystonia is caused by a reaction to a drug. Symptoms are usually temporary and can be treated with medication.
  • Paroxysmal dystonia is episodic. Symptoms appear only during attacks. The rest of the time the person is normal.
  • Torsion dystonia is a very rare disease. It affects the entire body and seriously incapacitates the person who has it. Symptoms usually begin in childhood and worsen with age. Researchers have found that torsion dystonia can be inherited, caused by a mutation in the DYT1 gene.
  • Writer's spasm is a type of dystonia that occurs only when writing. Affects the muscles of the hand and/or forearm.

How is dystonia treated?

There are several treatment options for dystonia. The doctor will determine the course of treatment depending on the type of dystonia and its severity.

A recently introduced treatment is botulinum toxin, also called Botox or Xeomin. The toxin is injected into the affected muscle. There, it blocks the action of the chemical acetylcholine that causes muscle contractions. The injection should be repeated approximately every three months.

When dystonia makes someone disabled, deep brain stimulation is possible. With deep brain stimulation, an electrode is implanted in a specific area of ​​the brain. It is then connected to a battery-powered stimulator implanted in the chest. The electrode transmits the electrical impulses created by the stimulator to the brain area to reduce muscle contractions. The human doctor regulates the frequency and intensity of electrical impulses.

Medications can help reduce the "overload" messages that cause muscle tension in dystonia. Medications used include:

  • Levodopa
  • Procyclidine hydrochloride
  • Diazepam
  • Lorazepam
  • Clonazepam
  • Baclofen

The sensory trick is another option. With a sensory trick, stimulation applied to or near the affected body part can reduce muscle contractions. By simply touching this area, people can control their own contractions.

Speech therapy, physical therapy, and stress management can also be used to treat symptoms of dystonia.

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