Do I need hepatitis A and B vaccines?

Do I need hepatitis A and B vaccines?

Do I need hepatitis A and B vaccines?

Hepatitis A and hepatitis B are two types of hepatitis. (The others are types C, D, and E.) You get them from a viral infection.

Each of these viruses is different. But the diseases they cause are similar. Hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver and can be serious or even fatal.

There are safe and effective vaccines that can prevent hepatitis A and B (but not types C, D, or E). There is also a combination vaccine that protects against hepatitis A and B.

Who should be vaccinated against hepatitis A?

This vaccine is given to all children aged 12 to 23 months and to all infants aged 6 to 11 months traveling abroad.

The following people are also at risk of contracting the disease and should be vaccinated:

  • Children and teens through age 18 who live in states or communities that have made this vaccination routine because of a high rate of disease
  • Men who have sex with men
  • Anyone who uses illegal drugs
  • People with chronic (long-term) liver disease
  • Anyone treated with blood clotting drugs, such as people with hemophilia
  • People who work with HAV-infected primates or in HAV research laboratories. (HAV is like HIV in animals.)
  • Travelers to countries where hepatitis A is common.
  • People adopting or close to a child adopted from a country where hepatitis A is common
  • You should not get the vaccine if you're allergic to any ingredients in it or if you had a severe allergic reaction to an earlier dose of it. Tell your doctor or pharmacist about any allergies you have.
  • If you're pregnant, let your doctor know. The safety of this vaccine for pregnant women is unknown, although the risk is considered to be very low.

Who should be vaccinated against hepatitis B?

Experts recommend it to all children who should receive their first dose at birth.

Other people who need it include:

  • People younger than age 19 who haven't been vaccinated
  • Anyone who has a sex partner with hepatitis B
  • People who are sexually active but aren’t in a long-term relationship in which both partners are monogamous
  • Anyone being evaluated or treated for an sexually transmitted diseases
  • Men who have sex with men
  • People who share needles used to inject drugs
  • Anyone who lives with someone who has hepatitis B
  • Anyone whose job routinely puts them at risk for coming in contact with blood or blood-contaminated body fluids
  • People with end-stage kidney (renal) disease
  • People who live and work in facilities for people who are developmentally disabled
  • Travelers to regions with moderate to high rates of hepatitis B
  • People with chronic liver disease
  • People with HIV infections

You should not get the vaccine if you had a severe allergic reaction to a previous dose or if you are allergic to yeast, as yeast is used to make the vaccine.

How and when do doctors give vaccines?

For hepatitis A vaccine:

  • You must receive two doses by injection 6 months apart for full protection. The virus in the vaccine is killed (inactive).
  • Children should receive their first dose between 12 and 23 months of age. Children over 2 years of age may receive their first dose at their next doctor's appointment.
  • If you need a vaccine due to an upcoming trip, please do so at least 1 month before departure.

For hepatitis B vaccine:

  • For long-term immunity, you will need three to four doses, depending on the type of vaccine used. You get them by injection.
  • Children should receive their first dose at birth and complete the series at 6 months of age. The child usually receives a second dose at 1 month and a third dose at 6 months.
  • Babies born to women with hepatitis B need an injection of hepatitis B antibodies, as well as the first injection of hepatitis B vaccine at birth. They will also need follow-up blood tests to make sure they are okay.

Catch-up vaccinations are recommended for children and adolescents who have never been vaccinated or who have not received all three injections.

If you are an adult and want to get vaccinated, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist. If you are considering getting both vaccines, ask your doctor about hepatitis A and B combination vaccines. 

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