Disciplining your baby

Disciplining your baby

Disciplining your baby

Month 17

Whoever coined the phrase "terrible twos" has obviously never met a truly naughty 17-month-old. Tantrums can erupt months before your child turns 2 and can be quite a sight to behold.

Tantrums can be stressful for you and your child. They can also be embarrassing, especially if your child chooses a public place to exercise.

At this age, relapses help the child express anger and frustration that he cannot express in words. They can also signal that she needs your attention.

It's never too early to start discipline. Tailor your strategy to your child's age - and at this age, discipline basically means distracting the child and redirecting them to something else.

Be patient and consistent in this.

Your baby's development this month

Your little one has discovered that he is a one of a kind little person. When she looks in the mirror, she knows that it is her face that is smiling at her. She also knows his name.

Right now, your child's entire world revolves around the most important person: HER!

  • She has no idea that not everyone thinks like her.
  • She has no idea that everyone doesn't think exactly like her.
  • She has no interest in sharing -- especially her favorite toys.
  • Instead of playing with other kids, she'll play next to them but stay wrapped up in her own game.
  • She can sometimes be too rough with other kids because she doesn't understand that it hurts when she hits them.

Tips for the 17th month

  • To tame children's tantrums, be firm and consistent. Tell her "no" and then direct her to another room or activity. It's a good idea to communicate before moving on or changing your routine.
  • Even though it's hard, try not to lose your temper. Take a few deep breaths and control your emotions before trying to control your child.
  • Kids love to help around the house. Have your child stir the pancake batter or set the table with paper plates.
  • Encourage your baby to share, but also leave a few toys for him that you can't take with you.
  • Read to your child every day. While reading, have your child repeat with you the phrases he knows, or follow the words on the page with your finger.
  • Teach your child to wash their hands with warm (but not hot) soap and water before eating and after wiping their nose or playing outside.
  • Take your little one on his first plane trip? Pour some liquid into a cup to suck on to relieve pressure in your ears. Follow the rules regarding restrictions on carrying liquids through airport security. 

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