Contraction stress test in pregnancy

Contraction stress test in pregnancy

Contraction stress test in pregnancy

Who gets the test?

Some women who experience complications during pregnancy require a contraction stress test, although this test is much less common than it used to be. More often you will take a non-stress test or a biophysical profile. If these results indicate a possible problem, your doctor may suggest a contraction stress test as a follow-up.

Labor stress tests are very rarely done in women with twins because they can induce early labor.

What does the test do

The contraction stress test helps predict how your baby will behave during labor. The test causes contractions and records the response of your baby's heart. A normal heartbeat is a good sign that your baby will be healthy during delivery.

How the test works

You will lie down with two straps around your stomach. One measures your child's heart rate and the other measures contractions. To induce contractions, your doctor may give you a dose of oxytocin intravenously in your arm. Or the doctor may suggest rubbing the nipples through clothing, which can cause contractions. You then wait while the monitors record your baby's contractions and heart rate. The test takes about 2 hours. Contractions can be uncomfortable.

The contraction stress test is usually safe, but sometimes it causes early labor. The test is more dangerous for women with placenta previa, an increased risk of uterine rupture, or women who have previously had a caesarean section. Your doctor will help you weigh the benefits and risks before the test.

What you need to know about test results

If your baby's heart rate drops during labor, it could be a sign of problems. Your doctor may suggest other tests. Sometimes early delivery is the best option.

If your child's heartbeat remains normal during the test, that's a great sign. However, your doctor may suggest that you repeat the test later if the results of other tests indicate a possible problem.

A contraction stress test is more effective at ruling out problems than at diagnosing them. Many women with abnormal results give birth to perfectly healthy babies.

How often is a test done during pregnancy?

Women can have a contraction stress test at 32 weeks or later. Until then, the test may not be sure. How many times you need the test depends on your situation. Ask your doctor. 

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