Childhood schizophrenia

Childhood schizophrenia

Childhood schizophrenia

Childhood schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in children under the age of 13 that affects how they deal with reality. They may have unusual thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. It is also called childhood schizophrenia or early schizophrenia.

The disease is rare and difficult to detect. There is no cure, but treatment can help.

Signs and symptoms of childhood schizophrenia

Some children who develop schizophrenia first go through a period called the prodromal or prodromal phase. They may withdraw from everyday life, showing more anxiety and less interest in school or friends. Not all children with these signs will have a psychotic disorder, so it's important to talk to your doctor if you notice any problems.

Symptoms of early childhood schizophrenia

An infant or toddler may show different signs of schizophrenia than older children, teens, and adults.

The disorder affects your child's development. You may notice things like:

  • Long periods in which they’re sluggish or not active
  • Floppy arms or legs
  • Delays in crawling, walking, or talking
  • Odd movements such as rocking or flapping their arms
  • A limp or slumped posture

Some of these symptoms appear in children with problems other than schizophrenia. And some occur in children without any mental health problems. Only your child's doctor can understand what's really going on.

Late symptoms of childhood schizophrenia

Older children may notice behavioral changes in schizophrenia over time or suddenly, out of nowhere. Your child may be withdrawn and clingy, or he may talk about strange, disturbing ideas and fears.

Tell your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms of schizophrenia. It is important to get a diagnosis and start treatment before your child shows signs of a disconnect from reality, called psychosis.

Symptoms in older children include:

  • They can't tell the difference between reality and dreams, stories, TV shows, etc.
  • Intense fear that someone or something is hurting them (delusions)
  • Hearing things that aren’t real (auditory hallucinations) such as whispers or voices telling them to do something
  • Seeing things that aren’t real (visual hallucinations) such as flashing lights or patches of darkness
  • Moodiness or anxiety
  • A lack of emotional expressions when they speak
  • Agitated, confused behavior, followed by periods of sitting and staring
  • Acting like a much younger child

Again, not all children with these symptoms have schizophrenia. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

Experts divide the symptoms of childhood schizophrenia into three categories: positive, negative, and cognitive.

  • Positive symptoms are psychotic, which means a break with reality. These include unusual movements, unusual thoughts, and hallucinations.
  • Negative symptoms are associated with behavior and emotions. They include isolation, little or no conversation, and little or no emotion.
  • Cognitive symptoms show differences in how the child thinks or remembers, such as difficulty concentrating or understanding things.

Causes of childhood schizophrenia

Experts don't know exactly what causes schizophrenia or why it starts in childhood in some and later in life in others.

The genes and chemicals in your child's brain may play a role. The disease sometimes occurs in more than one family member. If a family member has schizophrenia, your child is more likely to have it.

Some experts also believe that schizophrenia may be related to events that occur during a woman's pregnancy, such as:

  • Drug or alcohol use
  • Contact with viruses, bacteria, or chemicals
  • Stress
  • Poor nutrition

Diagnosis of childhood schizophrenia

A child psychiatrist can diagnose schizophrenia in children. Because different psychiatric disorders can present with similar symptoms, making a correct diagnosis can be difficult. This can take a lot of time and effort for everyone.

Other specialists will perform a complete physical examination of your child, blood tests, mental health tests, brain imaging, and other examinations. All of these are essential to making a proper diagnosis and developing a treatment plan that will help your child cope with this condition.

Treatment of childhood schizophrenia

Treatment for schizophrenia in children is the same as in adults. He understands:

  • Medications. Your doctor may suggest one or more antipsychotics. These drugs are also called antipsychotics. They deal with delusions (believing things that aren't true) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren't real). Talk to your doctor about side effects and other medicines your child should not take while using these medicines.
  • Psychotherapy. Childhood schizophrenia mental health professionals can help your child manage symptoms. Family therapy and support groups can educate your child and other family members about illness and how to deal with stressful situations.
  • Life skills training. Special activities can teach your child social skills and how to complete everyday tasks. They can also get advice on how to deal with difficulties in school.

If your child has severe symptoms or a mental health crisis, a stay in the hospital may be the quickest way to get the symptoms under control in a safe place. Other options include part-time hospital work and home care.

Complications of childhood schizophrenia

Without treatment, schizophrenia can cause problems in childhood and later in life. This includes:

  • Other mental disorders
  • Self-harm or suicide
  • Drug or alcohol use disorders
  • Conflict with and isolation from family and friends
  • Legal and financial problems
  • Trouble living alone, going to school, or keeping a job

When childhood schizophrenia is diagnosed and treated early, your child may be able to deal with it as they grow up. Medical professionals will monitor their condition and treatment for life.

Although there is no cure for this disorder, people with schizophrenia can do well in school, work, and social life. 

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