Breastfeeding during pregnancy


Breastfeeding during pregnancy

You may have just started adjusting to breastfeeding and found yourself pregnant again. This can lead to a flood of questions and concerns. Is it safe to breastfeed during pregnancy? How will this affect the fetus? How will this affect my weaned baby? Can you breastfeed two babies at the same time?

All these questions and feelings are understandable. While the decision to breastfeed during pregnancy or not is not always clear, understanding its benefits, risks, and how ready you and your breastfeeding baby are to wean will help you determine what is best for everyone. participants.

Is it safe?

Many women worry about breastfeeding during pregnancy because breastfeeding can cause mild uterine contractions. However, in a healthy pregnancy, these contractions are not a cause for concern, as they usually do not cause preterm labor. This is because oxytocin, a hormone released during breastfeeding that stimulates contractions, is normally released during breastfeeding in such small amounts that it is not enough to induce preterm labor. Such contractions are also harmless to the fetus and rarely increase the risk of miscarriage. Also, although a small amount of pregnancy hormones pass through your milk, these hormones do not pose a risk to your baby.

While breastfeeding during pregnancy is generally considered safe, weaning may be recommended in some cases:

  • If you have a high-risk pregnancy or risk of preterm birth
  • If you are carrying twins
  • If you have been advised to avoid sex during pregnancy
  • If you have uterine bleeding or pain
  • If you experience these symptoms, talk to your doctor to determine if withdrawal would be the best option for you, your infant, and your unborn child.

Is My Child Ready? Am I Ready?

Another important aspect to consider is whether your older child is ready for weaning. Factors that influence this include your baby's personality, age and breastfeeding habits, and your baby's psychological and physical response to your pregnancy.

In the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy, the amount of breast milk usually decreases. This can lead to changes in the milk and make it unpleasant for the baby. Because of this, your baby may be ready to wean sooner than expected. On the other hand, your baby may be committed to breastfeeding and not ready to be weaned.

Similarly, you may wonder if you yourself are ready to wean your baby. You may also wonder how your pregnancy might affect your relationship with your breastfed baby. Another important consideration is whether your baby is breastfeeding primarily for nutrition or for comfort.

It is essential to monitor the health and development of infants under six months of age who are solely dependent on breast milk. Supplementary feedings may be needed to ensure your baby is properly nourished. Babies who are already eating other foods, on the other hand, may prefer other foods to breast milk as your milk supply decreases.

Potential Issues

While breastfeeding during pregnancy has its benefits, it can also create some problems. For example, some physical problems may include nausea due to milk leakage, as well as pain in the nipples. Almost 75% of mothers have sore nipples. Focusing on something other than discomfort can provide some relief.

Many women are also concerned that breastfeeding during pregnancy can contribute to fatigue. Yes, fatigue is a part of all pregnancies. So, it is understandable that you are hesitant to breastfeed for fear that it will take more energy and increase your fatigue. However, breastfeeding in and of itself is not exhausting. Sitting or lying down while breastfeeding can really help you get the extra rest you need.

Eat well

If you decide to breastfeed during pregnancy, proper nutrition is essential for the health of your breastfed baby and your unborn baby. The number of calories consumed will depend on the age of your child. You will need about 500 extra calories per day if your baby is not breastfed, or 650 extra calories if he is less than six months old.

This is in addition to the extra 350 calories you need in your second trimester and the extra 450 calories you need in your third trimester. If you're in your first trimester and are having trouble eating due to nausea, you'll be glad you don't need extra calories in your first trimester.

After all, when breastfeeding and pregnancy overlap, the main thing to consider is our relationship and our feelings. You will want to consider the needs of your unborn and breastfed baby in addition to your own feelings. While you want to keep your options open depending on the situation and your needs and those of your children, the decision is essentially up to you. 

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