Baby registries

Baby registries

Baby registries

Organizing and having a well-planned registry can mean the difference between getting the right gifts for a child and having to bring a lot of stuff to the return counter.

Items for the baby registry

You can subscribe to multiple items: larger and more expensive items like pushchairs, mid-range items like inflatable seats and mobile phones, and smaller items like bottle holders and brushes. Some items that many new moms recommend for registers include:

  • Big-ticket items including strollers, swings, baby monitors, and portable playpens
  • Diaper bag
  • Baby slings or wrap carriers
  • Baby bathtub and bath accessories
  • A “snap-and-go” type of stroller that's light and folds easily and that you can just pop the car seat into. If you’re having twins, make it a double!
  • Nursing pillow. They make special ones designed for twins.
  • Bouncy seat
  • A white noise machine (some look like sheep or other cute animals)
  • Swaddle blankets
  • Portable, folding changing pads
  • Formula dispenser for feeding on the go, and a dishwasher container for washing bottle parts and pacifiers
  • Accessories including baby nail clippers, digital thermometer, baby wipes and burp wipes.
  • Mesh feeders. These handy items look like extra-large pacifiers and come with a twist-off mesh. You put a piece of solid food inside, like an avocado or a peach, and screw the lid back on, and babies who aren't ready for solid food yet can suck and enjoy the taste.

Items you can buy yourself

If you don't have very generous friends or family you trust to help you buy exactly what you want on time, you should probably buy these items yourself:

  • Furniture for crib and nursery
  • Car seat. Something so important to your baby's safety should be something you choose and bring home well in advance of delivery. You can't leave the hospital without it!
  •  Breast pumps and other breastfeeding products such as breast pads. Many people feel strange buying someone else's breast pump. If you are expecting twins, please contact a lactation consultant to find out what you need. You can rent or buy a hospital grade pump.

Items you can wait for

  • Bottles. You will definitely need at least a few bottles. Formula-fed moms need a lot, and most breastfeeding moms pump at least occasionally. But what is a bottle? Children's preferences can be very complex! Instead of signing up for a full set of bottles, wait until you see your baby being fed in the hospital and start there. You can also try a few different baby bottles/pacifiers.)
  • Bottle warmer. Some children ask for warm milk, others do not care. Often, if you run a baby without warming it up, they will never see a difference. Breastfed babies usually get it right away.

Items you may not need

  • Wipe warmer. Ask 100 new moms what baby product they've never used, and probably 90 of them will answer: wipe warmer. Babies don't need super hot wipes. And heating pads tend to dry out wipes, which can be annoying.
  • Sterilizer. The bottles are as sterile as they should be after being washed in a hot dishwasher.

Items you will get plenty of

You probably don't need to subscribe to these items because you're almost guaranteed to get a full download of them no matter what you do:

  • Blankets, in particular reception blankets
  • Overalls and other clothes for newborns or size 0-3. If you are a first time mom or most of your friends don't have kids, they won't understand that kids stay that size for a very short time. If you're signing up for clothes, offer items in the 3-6 or 6-9 month range.
  • Stuffed animals and cuddly toys

Items you might not think to register for

Babysitting or postnatal doula services. These specialists are expensive, but many new parents find them very helpful. Consider inviting your friends and family to a postnatal doula for a week.

  • A diaper service
  • A cleaning service
  • Contributions to baby's first college fund
  • A postnatal massage
  • Mother-and-baby classes 

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