Baby development: Your 11 month old baby

 Baby development: Your 11 month old baby

Baby development: Your 11 month old baby

It's almost your child's first birthday and so much has changed in the last year. You may find it difficult to keep up with your little one, who is no doubt moving easily now.

Motor Skills

At 11 months, your baby should be able to walk holding onto furniture or your hands. They may even let go of your hands to take a few hesitant steps on their own, or even walk on their own. Some toddlers at this age experiment with tiptoeing or standing on one leg.

Some particularly adventurous 11-month-olds find rock climbing a fun way to explore. They will climb on the stalls, cross the railing of their cradle and get into some pretty dangerous situations. If you have one of these little climbers, don't provide easy access. Move chairs away from tables and counters so your child can't climb high enough to spill. Your child also loves opening drawers and cabinets, so be sure to lock up any chemicals, cleaning products, or cosmetics that are within reach.

As your child's hand-eye coordination improves, he will enjoy learning how toys are made by sorting toys by size and color, as well as taking them apart and putting them back together. Stacking blocks and weaving cups are great toys for this activity. As they play and explore, many objects end up in their mouths. If this is a child in the family, make sure older siblings keep small parts of toys out of their reach.


Your child should now eat with their fingers and start exploring with the spoon. Fill your 11-month-old baby's diet with a variety of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and proteins. Offer morning and afternoon snacks to give your child enough energy to get through the day. Crackers, fruit, and dry cereal are good snacks. You will continue to give 450-550 ml of breast milk or formula per day, increasing the use of the cup throughout the day for a month until you completely switch over.

Be sure to avoid drinking juice throughout the day. Keep the sippy filled with water and the baby can stay hydrated.

Your baby's sense of taste is developing, so keep adding different flavors to your diet. If you have a particularly picky eater who constantly pushes the spoon away, don't give up. Keep trying new foods. Sometimes babies need to be exposed to food eight to twelve times before they can be eaten. Never force your child to eat. It is best to let young children decide for themselves when they are full. Studies have shown that children who are forced to wash dishes often become heavy eaters later in life.


Eleven-month-old babies understand that they are unique people. They have a keen sense of their likes and dislikes and have learned to use their emotions to get what they want, like throwing a temper tantrum when you try to take their favorite toy away from them. Your little one may have already discovered the word "no". If so, you will probably hear it many times.

Communication begins to take on a more mature rhythm at 11 months. Babies at this age can engage in regular conversation. When you ask a question, you get an answer, even if you probably don't understand much of that answer. When you name something, your child may show it. You will also likely notice that your child has a longer attention span and may focus on you or a game for more than a few seconds at a time.

Tips for your baby's eleventh month

  • Now as your child crawls and walks with assistance, let him explore different types of textures including grass, carpet and soil.
  • Read with your child every day. Engage the child in this experience by pointing to the people and objects in the pictures and asking the child what they are. You can also attract them by letting them turn the pages.
  • Start to reinforce good behavior with praise and correct inappropriate behavior with a firm no.
  • Encourage your child to become more independent when dressing, eating and getting ready for bed.
  • If your child is currently rolling on both feet, wear ribbed socks or comfortable baby shoes when you go outside. Stay home barefoot until your child starts walking.

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