Apert syndrome

Apert syndrome

Apert syndrome

Apert syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes abnormal development of the skull. Babies with Apert syndrome are born with a deformed head and face. Many children with Apert syndrome also have other birth defects. There is no cure for Apert syndrome, but surgery can help correct some of the problems that occur.

Causes of Apert syndrome

Apert syndrome is caused by a rare mutation in one gene. This mutated gene is usually responsible for connecting bones at the right time during development. In almost all cases, the mutation in the Apert syndrome gene is random. Only one in 65,000 babies is born with Apert syndrome.

Apert syndrome symptoms

A faulty gene in infants with Apert syndrome allows the bones of the skull to fuse together prematurely, a process called craniosynostosis. The brain continues to grow inside the abnormal skull, putting pressure on the skull and facial bones.

Abnormal growth of the skull and face in Apert syndrome gives its main signs and symptoms:

  • Long head with high forehead.
  • Wide-set and bulging eyes, often with poorly closed eyelids
  • Sunken middle part of the face

Other symptoms of Apert syndrome are also the result of abnormal growth of the skull:

  • Poor intellectual development (in some children with Apert syndrome)
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Repeated ear or sinus infections
  • Hearing loss
  • Crowding of teeth due to underdevelopment of the jaw

Abnormal fusion of the bones of the arms and legs (syndactyly)—with webbed or mitten-like hands or feet—is also a common symptom of Apert syndrome. Some children with Apert syndrome also have heart, gastrointestinal, or urinary problems.

Apert syndrome diagnosis

Doctors often suspect Apert syndrome or another craniosynostosis syndrome at birth based on the appearance of the newborn. Genetic testing can usually reveal Apert's syndrome or another cause of abnormal skull formation.

Apert syndrome treatment

Apert syndrome is incurable. Surgery to correct abnormal connections between bones is the primary treatment for Apert syndrome.

As a rule, the operation for Apert syndrome takes place in three stages:

  • Release of skull bone fusion (craniosynostosis release). The surgeon separates the abnormally fused bones of the skull and partially rearranges some of them. This surgery is usually done when the baby is 6 to 8 months old.
  • Midface advancement. As a child with Apert syndrome grows older, the bones of the face shift again. The surgeon cuts the jaw and cheekbones and moves them to a more normal position. This operation can be done at any time between the ages of 4 and 12. Additional corrective surgery may be required, especially when midface enhancement is performed at a young age.
  • Correction of wide-set eyes (hypertelorism correction). The surgeon removes a wedge of bone in the skull between the eyes. The surgeon brings the eye sockets closer together and may also correct the jawbone.

Other treatments for Apert syndrome include:

  • Eye drops during the day, lubricating eye ointment at night; these drops can prevent the dangerous dry eyes that can occur with Apert's syndrome.
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP); a child with Apert syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea may wear a mask attached to a small machine at night. The device creates pressure that keeps the child's airways open during sleep.
  • Antibiotics. Children with Apert syndrome are prone to ear and sinus infections caused by bacteria that require antibiotic therapy.
  • Surgical tracheostomy or placement of a breathing tube on the neck; this surgery may be performed in children with severe obstructive sleep apnea due to Apert's syndrome.
  • Surgical positioning of the ear tubes (myringotomy) in children with recurrent ear infections due to Apert's syndrome

Other surgeries may be beneficial for some children with Apert syndrome, depending on their individual profile of facial bone problems.

Apert syndrome prognosis

Children with Apert syndrome usually require surgery to free the bones of the skull so that the brain can develop normally. The older the child before this operation, the less likely he is to achieve normal intellectual abilities. However, even with early surgical intervention, some brain structures may remain underdeveloped.

In general, children raised by parents are more likely to achieve normal intellectual abilities. About four out of ten children with Apert syndrome who grow up in a healthy home environment achieve a normal intelligence quotient (IQ). Among institutionalized children with Apert syndrome, only one in 18 reaches a normal IQ. In one study, three of 136 children with Apert syndrome ended up going to college.

Children with Apert syndrome and other similar conditions who have a normal IQ do not appear to be at increased risk for behavioral or emotional problems. However, they may need additional social and emotional support to cope with their condition. Children with Apert syndrome with lower IQs often have behavioral and emotional problems.

Children with Apert syndrome can vary greatly, with some having a severe course of the disease and others having a mild one. Experts don't know why the same genetic mutation can cause such differences in the prognosis of Apert syndrome in children.

Life expectancy also varies among children with Apert syndrome. People with Apert syndrome who have survived past childhood and have no heart problems likely have a normal or near-normal life expectancy. Life expectancy is likely to improve with advances in surgical techniques and aftercare. 

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