Advantages and disadvantages of using a pacifier

Advantages and disadvantages of using a pacifier

Advantages and disadvantages of using a pacifier

For many parents, a pacifier is at the top of the list of must-have items for a newborn. Babies naturally want to suck as this is the movement they use to suck or take a bottle.

The pacifier does exactly what its name implies. But how much should your baby depend on a pacifier. Here is a breakdown of the pros and cons of pacifiers and their security issues.

Advantages of using a pacifier

Pacifiers are popular for a reason. They can soothe your child, help him sleep, and even reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

  • Provides comfort. For the first time, your newborn experiences all of her senses simultaneously outside the womb. Everything is unknown, and it may seem overwhelming to your child. Sure, the sound and touch of mom and dad will be comforting, but sometimes your baby needs more than a familiar smiling face.
  • A pacifier is a great way to calm your baby and give you a little break. A pacifier gives your baby the opportunity to breastfeed and is one of the first self-soothing tools your baby can use.
  • Reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the leading cause of death in children under one year of age. Studies have shown that pacifier use reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome during sleep. Not only will this help your child, but it will also give you peace of mind at night knowing that your child is safer while sleeping.
  • Helps baby to sleep. While a pacifier won't improve your baby's sleep quality, it can help him fall asleep faster. Whether formula-fed or breast-fed, your baby has an innate desire to breastfeed. Breastfed babies often want to breastfeed when they fall asleep because it is soothing.

If you provide a pacifier, you can put your baby to sleep on their own without rocking or breastfeeding for added comfort. If your baby's nipple falls out while he's sleeping, you don't need to put it back in his mouth unless he wakes up crying.

Disadvantages of using a pacifier

While a pacifier gives your baby much-needed comfort, there are some downsides to using it:

  • Confusion of the nipples. If you choose to breastfeed, it is important not to insert a pacifier until breastfeeding is established. Your baby uses a different sucking technique when using a pacifier or bottle than when breastfeeding.

Nipple sucking is much easier than breastfeeding, which requires more effort and special technique to express milk from the breast. Giving a pacifier too soon can negatively affect your relationship with breastfeeding. Your baby may grow up and prefer a pacifier, refusing to breastfeed because it requires effort.

  • Development of teeth. Most babies don't have teeth yet, but it's important to remember that using a pacifier can affect the alignment of teeth as they begin to grow. If possible, plan to stop using the pacifier before it has too much impact on your child's teeth. While some babies are born with their first teeth, most start to erupt around six months of age.

If your child has developed an overbite due to pacifier use, you may need to invest in braces later in life. Some babies will suck on their thumb if a nipple is not available, which has a similar effect on tooth development.

  • Choking. Be sure to choose a pacifier with a base that is at least an inch and a half in diameter. This size prevents the pacifier from getting stuck in your baby's mouth or throat. Also, look for a pacifier with vent holes in the base in case it gets stuck in your baby's mouth.

Make sure the pacifier is one complete piece. If your baby suckles too hard on a two-piece nipple, it can detach and create a choking hazard. Since pacifiers wear out over time, check their durability regularly and buy new ones if necessary. If the pacifier material weakens and breaks, the child may swallow the piece.

Break up with the pacifier

Many children will easily refuse pacifiers if they are given some encouragement. Follow these tips for an easy transition:

  • Avoid using harsh words, teasing, or punishment that can upset your child.
  • Once you begin trying to break the habit of using a pacifier, praise your baby's efforts.
  • Implement a sticker chart to track your baby's progress.
  • If your child uses fingers for sucking, distract them or keep their hands busy throughout the day.  

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